The Region of Ica has only a few museums, and these are not very big,having only a few exhibits related to the topie of investigation inthe orea. For instance ...
Humans hove lived in the Region of Ica for a very long time. Several buildings and temples built by early Peruvians are proof of their existence and customs ...
Once the Spaniards arrived in Peru,the Region of Ica took an important role due to its privileged location, fertile valleys, and warm water all year round ...
The Region of Ica was an important souree of ineome for Peru during the Republie; but beeause this ineome didn't stay in Ica, there are a very limited ...
Even though lea has always played an important role in the economy of the country, it is worth noting that, for the most part, it contains few modern struetures ...
The Region of lea has one of the driest deserts inthe world but at the sorne time has many fertile valleys from which people hove been channeling water ...
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