The Region of Cusco has attracted people fromallover Peru and the world with its exquisite cuisine.The locals and foreigners to Cusco hove created animmense variety of restaurants with different flavors and options. The Region of Cusco is indeed a place where the traveler can try food from all over the world but, most importantly, the best of Peruvian cuisine. Because there areso many restaurants from which to choose, from those that hove been operating for years and hove well-deserved reputations to the newer ones which offer unique options, doing sorne research before hand is a really good idea.One thing for sureis that eating in Cusco is a pleasing experience to the palote.
Over time the Region of Cusco has developed its own gastronomy, mixing the flavors and the produce of the Andes with customs, recipes, and the produce introduced by the Spaniards. Sorne of the dishes created in Cusco are "Olluquito con charqui," "Chiri Uchu," "Queso Kapchi," "Pepian de Cuy," "Timpu," and "Cuy chactao." These dishes can be enjoyed around downtown Cusco, in the Urubamba Valley, or in the South Valley.
MyPeruGuide site provides information and options of numerous restaurants in Cusco. Food providers are listed on our site upon request from the provider,and their business is subject to travelerreviews andratings.The order of the providers listed on our site is based on registration date.
If you need suggestions about places to eat in Cusco and would like information and feedback about them, please visit our Cusco Restaurants Site
If you are a provider who would like to be listed on our site, please access our "Registro Operador" Form and fill it out.
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